Friday, December 28, 2012

The History of Traditional Chinese Medicine(中醫) in China

The History of Traditional Chinese Medicine(中醫) in China

The first traces of therapeutic activities in China date from the Shang dynasty (14th--11th centuries BCE).
Though the Shang did not have a concept of "medicine" as distinct from other fields, their oracular inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells refer to illnesses that affected the Shang royal family: eye disorders, toothaches, bloated abdomen, etc.,which Shang elites usually attributed to curses sent by their ancestors.There is no evidence that the Shang nobility used herbal remedies.

Stone and bone needles found in ancient tombs have made Joseph Needham speculate that acupuncture might have originated in the Shang dynasty. But most historians now make a distinction between medical lancing (or bloodletting) and acupuncture in the narrower sense of using metal needles to treat illnesses by stimulating specific points along circulation channels ("meridians") in accordance with theories related to the circulation of Qi.The earliest evidence for acupuncture in this sense dates to the second or first century BCE.

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, the oldest received work of Chinese medical theory, was compiled around the first century BCE on the basis of shorter texts from different medical lineages.Written in the form of dialogues between the legendary Yellow Emperor and his ministers, it offers explanations on the relation between humans, their environment, and the cosmos, on the contents of the body, on human vitality and pathology, on the symptoms of illness, and on how to make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in light of all these factors.Unlike earlier texts like Recipes for Fifty-Two Ailments, which was excavated in the 1970s from a tomb that had been sealed in 168 BCE, the Inner Canon rejected the influence of spirits and the use of magic. It was also one of the first books in which the cosmological doctrines of Yinyang and the Five Phases were brought to a mature synthesis.
The History of Traditional Chinese Medicine(中醫) in China
TCM  Regimen
The Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders and Miscellaneous Illnesses was collated by Zhang Zhongjing sometime between 196 and 220 CE, at the end of the Han dynasty. Focusing on drug prescriptions rather than acupuncture, it was the first medical work to combine Yinyang and the Five Phases with drug therapy. This formulary was also the earliest Chinese medical text to group symptoms into clinically useful "patterns" (zheng 證) that could serve as targets for therapy. Having gone through numerous changes over time, it now circulates as two distinct books: the Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders and the Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Casket, which were edited separately in the eleventh century, under the Song dynasty.
In the centuries that followed the completion of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, several shorter books tried to summarize or systematize its contents. The Canon of Problems (probably second century CE) tried to reconcile divergent doctrines from the Inner Canon and developed a complete medical system centered on needling therapy.The AB Canon of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Zhenjiu jiayi jing 針灸甲乙經, compiled by Huangfu Mi sometime between 256 and 282 CE) assembled a consistent body of doctrines concerning acupuncture; whereas the Canon of the Pulse (Maijing 脈經; ca. 280) presented itself as a "comprehensive handbook of diagnostics and therapy.".

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cosmetic Machinery Vacuum Homogenizer Emulsifiers: 週末美食小記之江浙紅燒鳳爪

Cosmetic Machinery Vacuum Homogenizer Emulsifiers: 週末美食小記之江浙紅燒鳳爪: 一周陰雨,殆至週末,天高氣爽。連續勞累了六日之後難得偷得半日閒情,適逢友人再三邀請至其郊外家中做客,便盛情難卻之,遂欣然前往。 天已將午,方至友人家。但見其四周草木鬱鬱蔥蔥,大院寬敞明亮,室內窗明幾淨, 相較於市內蝸居之窘狀,高樓林立鋼筋水泥之灰暗,真是別有一番洞天.
我久聞江浙之人善烹飪,精雕琢。今日之後,竟深信不已。昔者孔子聞韶樂,但覺餘音繞樑,三月不識肉味。今日品此江浙紅燒鳳爪,竟與老夫子心有戚戚然,當真是餘味繞口,三月不識管弦之味! Mehr info zum

Monday, December 10, 2012

Braised chicken feet in brown sause among Chinese Food

Cosmetic Machinery Vacuum Homogenizer Emulsifiers: Braised chicken's feet in brown sauce Chinese Style

Braised chicken's feet in brown sauce Chinese Style Culinary from Jianhesu-and-Zhejing Region,noted on weekend about the Gourmet

Chicken feet a little, block and Wash;then boiled with clear water mixed with cooking wine, a layer of greasy floats when boiled, that is the  dirty substances from chicken feet; Take out chicken feet,put into the pot, adding ginger, pepper and fry them; Finally add water, soy sauce, vinegar together with the feet,boiled until the surface of chicken feet turns golden, only need to put a little garlic, green onion, cooked by fierce fire for about two minutes.
braised chicken feet in brown sause

Chinese Culinary

I have heard of for a long time the people from ZheJiang-Jianshu region who was professional in the culinary and making gourmet.Even since the day i enjoyed the meal,believing it certainly.In the past, Confucius would not feel the taste of meat after he had enjoyed the Shao Musik with the resound around the grids for more than three months.Presently i just felt for the situation of old-eggheaded after my enjoying the Braised chicken's feet in brown sauce ,it was no doubt i cannot get the essence of music because the aftertaste remaining in my mouth lasts about three months!

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